Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I got on the scale

245..I'm disgusted

How am I going to do this...


  1. Hang on there...you are not disgusting....your scales are.....LOL...I so cheated on my pre op program and have lost 52 lbs post banding. Pre op is the worst....hand in there and the band helps....when you finally get it!!!

  2. Do not sweat it! We have all been there - this is what the band is for, and it will work for you too!

  3. You will do this one step at a time; one meal at a time... just like all of us. Hang in there.

  4. Hang in there, your right around my starting weight. It's not that bad, its only going to go down from there! :)

  5. yeah dont sweat it! you can do it...just wait until you get your band then you will have a whole new determination...the hard part comes after you have already lost! (not that it makes it any better...tee-hee)

  6. You are doing fine! And how are you going to do this? With a lot of blood, guts, and determination! But no matter how...you WILL!

  7. You are going to do this....don't worry about the how - you just are - we all know that. Believe in yourself and believe you are worth it....we all know you are!
