Friday, July 9, 2010

BYOC Friday

BYOC everyone!  5 questions - some funny, some serious - we answer in our blogs to get to know each other better and to ease our fried brains on Fridays!

1.  Love or money?  High salary or job satisfaction?


2.  What is your favorite time of day?

When I'm settled for bed.  I use the word settled to mean when the kids are in their rooms, the cats have found their spots, the dishwasher has stopped, hubby is snoring on the couch downstairs and my reality TV is queued up

3. Do you have a will?  Did you tell anyone your wish to be kept alive or not?

I don't have a will.  I really need a will because my daughter from a previous relationship isn't legally adopted by my husband.  The whole thing scares the crap out of me and that is why I don't have one.
My husband knows my feelings on pulling the plug.  So unless he comes down with a sudden case of amnesia I'm covered there.

4.  Repeat question.  Pick one thing for one day you'll do next week that aids in your physical or mental health.

I'm going to work on my water.  Since I've had that talk with myself I really been trying to get on the positive side of things. 

5.  Repeat questions.  Make someone a superstar for a moment...whose comment or blog stuck with you this week and why.

I haven't given any love this week to the blog world.   This whole blogging thing is really a case of you get what you give.  I promise to be better.